Autism nepal video

Message from Chairperson

Wis Autism Foundation (WAF) was established in 2021 for providing the therapy service to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as one of the signature projects from Kiwanis Club of Kathmandu Nepalaya. On behalf of WAF family, I am pleased to welcome you all in our foundation. 

One of the proverbs by Confucius touched my heart “If your plan is for one year plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years educate children”. Similarly, children with ASD also have right to education (here education doesn’t just mean higher education, it defines the way they can learn skills, read and write), along with appreciation and acceptance. They are equally capable of learning life skills and different academic activities if made learning visual, more expressive and communicative. 

ASD is also known as neuropsychological disorders. It is neuro diversity in human brain. Sometimes, it could give an individual extraordinary skills, intelligence and capacity to think out of box which can lead to world’s greatest discoveries. 

Society which includes educators, health service providers and policy makers can make greater changes in the life of individuals with ASD if they can understand them. We all can work together to give them a better environment, better facility and better services to make their life happier, healthier and easier. For that, we have also started new initiation to provide them with service which includes therapies, baby care and counselling at WAF. We would like to thrive in this field of service provider for children with ASD. I appeal for the help from all of you who love to help the child with ASD. 

It’s my greatest delight to welcome you all to explore our services, and suggest us for improvement. WAF family would also like to thank our donors, well wishers and friends who have supported this foundation with their hard work, effort and volunteer services. 


Anupama Shrestha, PhD. 


Wis Autism Foundation

March 8, 2025

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