Category Autism

Message from Chairperson

Autism nepal video

Wis Autism Foundation (WAF) was established in 2021 for providing the therapy service to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as one of the signature projects from Kiwanis Club of Kathmandu Nepalaya. On behalf of WAF family, I am pleased…

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy is a multidimensional approach given to a people with injuries and disability focusing on improving the patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living. It is a global healthcare profession that involves the use of assignment and intervention…

Psychosocial counseling and its relevance with ASD

A proper psychosocial support helps any individual to express and meet the need for emotional, social and mental well-being. Providing such service to the children with autism and their family helps to elevate stress and enhance the coping skills to…

What is Autism?

Autism nepal video

One child among 59 in the world has Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the report says. The World Health Organization report mentioned that one percent of the world’s total population has autism. Likewise, the recent study conducted in South Korea showed…