Autism nepal video

What is Autism?

One child among 59 in the world has Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the report says. The World Health Organization report mentioned that one percent of the world’s total population has autism. Likewise, the recent study conducted in South Korea showed that 2.6 percent population there are living with autism. The Autism is derived from word Autos + ISM, where Autos= Self and Ism is state of being or condition. This term was first coined by Swiss psychiatrist, Dr Eugen Bleuler.

Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of conditions characterized by Challenges with 

  1. Social skills
  2. Repetitive behavior
  3. Speech and non-verbal communication
  4. Unique strength and differences.

It is not a diseased to be cured, but is a condition that should be accepted by society.

Misconceptions on Autism

It is not caused by parenting or social deprivation.

Autism is not mental retardation. It is different from mental illness.

Status of Autism in Nepal.

No researched data about status of autism is available in Nepal. However, according to Autism Care Nepal Society, about 3,00,000 children with ASD is reported.

Organizations working for ASD in Nepal

1. Autism care Nepal

2. Center for Autism

3. Special School – Rehabilitation Center – Research Institute

Many parents have formed different organizations or social group to share the experiences and helping each other for betterment of their children life.

How can we help child with Autism? 

There are different therapies to help children with autism so that they can live their life happily. Many therapies are devised to help them which are based on behavioral therapy. 

  1. Applied behavioral therapy
  2. Occupational Therapy
  3. Speech Therapy
  4. Early interventions 
  5. Music Therapy
  6. Sensory integration Therapy

These early interventions which includes holistic approach can make a huge difference in child with autism. It helps child with ASD to communicate, develop play skills, daily life skill and studying.

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