WAF Story 2021

Signature project of Kiwanis Club of Nepalaya 

On October, 1 2021, Kiwanis club of Kathmandu Nepalaya organized a fund-raising musical eve with popular singer Rupak Dotel and various artists on 2nd October 2021, Saturday at Universal Café, Sukedhara, Kathmandu. The objective of the event is to raise fund for the establishment of WIS Foundation which is working for the children with Autism and Down Syndrome. With the fund raise in musical program and kind hearted donors with fund of 26000 Speech and occupational therapy room was set and Wis Autism Foundation was inaugurated on Jan 9, Occupational and speech therapy room along with office of wis foundation was prepared at rented flat with four room at Balwatar, Kathmandu Nepal. The play materials like trampoline, slide swing, balls, educational materials, racks table chairs, special chair needed for therapy was installed. Webpage was designed www.waf.org.np. 2 therapists are working with us. Currently, 10 children are getting therapy. From Baishak Day care center is started with 4 children. Please help, donate and volunteer our foundation for helping in the special kid.

After 1 yr of planning and hard work our club is able to execute our dream project Wis autism foundation where we want to provide reasonable and free therapy service to needy children. We hope to provide positive impact on mental health of children and parents who are struggling with this condition. We are also open to any kind of help and support from our friend’s family and community to motivate this cause. Cause for change# cause to include all children together for better future and better life# Love# Help# Care. Thank you for all who have contributed for this to happen. List of first donation and donors are listed below.

List of contributors

S.N.NameAddressDonation AmountNrs
1Vyan Bikram Bista/Kataiya ShahAmerica500 USD57854
2Rudra SharmaSouth Korea30100NRS30100
3Yadav MallaUK35000 NRS35000
4Aaron Yuvaan Thapa Poudel JaisiAmerica3542135421
5Anand BikramAustralia200 AU17730
6Dr. Shreeja ShahAmerica13000 NRS13000
7Jaika OjhaAmerica100 USD11910
8David ChettriAustralia50 AU4278
9Era PradhanSouth Korea5000NRS5000
10Dr. Anup ThapaNepal3000 NRS3000
11Rudraks Bikram ShahNepal2000 NRS2000
12Dr. Bhusan ShresthaNepal2000 NRS2000
13Fund raise from Nepalaya musical program  42707

One comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this useful information! Hope that you will continue with the kind of stuff you are doing.

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